Most recently updated October 30th, 2024

Getting the right outdoor gear and clothing can make the difference between a happy hike and a miserable or even dangerous one.
There’s a lot of advice out there on what gear you’ll need and which products are the best.
On this page, you’ll find my picks for outdoor gear, clothing, and other stuff you might need for your hiking adventures.
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Usually people say they won’t endorse anything they’ve not used personally.
That’s a good practice, and I’ve tried to do that as much as possible with my picks for you.
That said, I tend to buy decent quality stuff and hang onto my gear until it falls apart, so I haven’t been able to try out all of these brands yet.
But I’ve read the descriptions and/or looked over them in a retail store, and I feel confident recommending these products to you.
My selections below are a result of weeding through many products to give you a sample selection of reliable gear choices for any budget.
For a more in-depth discussion of what to consider for each type of clothing, take a look at my Day Hike Gear Guide.
You can also see some info about less expensive – but still good to have – bits of gear on this post.
NOTE: The photos and grids below show my top picks for you from a variety of brands through Amazon. (Click any photo for more info or to purchase. You can also use the Search bar to find more options.)
Decades ago when I was shopping for hiking gear, there wasn’t much available for girls and women that would stand up to actual hiking and sweating on the trail.
Everything seemed to be made of flimsy pastel fabric, and some even had ruffles. Eeeww.
Fortunately, my daughter and I were small enough to be able to get what we needed in the Boys’ department.
Today there are so many options – both in women’s and men’s – for pants, shorts, leggings and even hiking skirts that trying to choose the right ones will make your head spin.
What to Look for in a Pair of Hiking Pants
The main thing you’re looking for is comfort and mobility. (Looking good won’t seem so important if your thighs are chafed raw, so when in doubt go for the larger size!)
Lately I’ve noticed a lot of women and girls hiking in leggings.
I’m personally not a fan of this practice because non-athletic leggings aren’t breathable, and I don’t think anyone needs to see that much detail of my butt.
That said, wicking running tights or athletic leggings can work for hiking, especially in cooler weather.
I also always opt for hiking pants rather than shorts because even in very hot weather, long pants help protect my legs from getting scraped up or bitten by insects – and offer sun protection, too.
There are three basic categories of insulating layers: a thin fleece to hike in on colder days, a thin synthetic jacket, and a down puffy jacket for really cold weather.
(I also sometimes top this off with a rain shell too for an extra layer of wind protection.)
Even on a warm day, you should pack an insulating layer.
On colder days, you’ll need more layers to put on and take off as the day (and you) warm up or cool down.
You’ll need to gauge the outside temperature and how hard you’ll be exercising to know how many layers you want to start with.
When you sweat and then stop for a break, you’ll get cold very fast.
That’s when it’s good to have a jacket or a fleece handy.
I like a fleece layer with a full zipper, so I can just inzip it if I don’t want to take it all the way off.
Your base layer is what you wear right next to your skin. In any season, it should keep your skin as dry as possible (e.g. use a wicking fabric), provide insulation and ventilation.
The purpose of wicking fabric is to pull moisture away from your skin.
Merino wool is a great choice and comes in different weights for any season. It also keeps on insulating you even when it’s wet.
As an alternative, synthetic fabrics dry fast so you won’t wear a cold layer on your skin, risking hypothermia.
Which reminds me – stay away from cotton: it’ll get wet and heavy, and is slow to dry.
I’ve also used wicking thermals to double as a base layer and camping jammies.
I always carry a lightweight rain jacket in my pack (along with a hat and gloves in case it gets chilly).
This is one of those items that every hiker needs, but does unfortunately wear out over time and has to be replaced.
If you hike in some really wet places with torrential rains, it’s also a good idea to keep rain pants in your pack.
Pick some with zippers running the whole length so you can put them on quickly, without taking your boots off.
My picks include a sampling of warmer jackets for cold weather and lighter ones for layering.
Some of the jackets below are waterproof and will also serve as rain jackets.
Each one offers something a little bit different and will fit different budgets and hikes in all types weather.
High on the list of “must-haves” for your hike is a decent daypack or backpack.
Not only do your packs take care of your gear, they also can make or break your comfort level while out on the trail.
There are countless variety of good packs out there to choose from to get you started.
Hiking boots may be the most important item in your hiker’s kit.
If you don’t choose your boots correctly, you may be in for a lot of pain – and also the expense of getting a new pair!
There are lot of choices now for outdoor footgear.
Trail runners, hiking shoes and hiking boots are all equally good and it really comes down to where you’re hiking, personal preferences, and the weather.
I prefer hiking in boots but I choose as light as possible for the season.
For boots, I prefer mid-rise because I have strong ankles. Waterproof boots are good for wet days and winter hikes.
For shorter day hikes I might pick trail runners or hiking shoes.
If in doubt, it’s better to wear boots – especially when the terrain is rocky, the weather is wet, or you’re carrying a heavy pack.
When you get your boots, make sure you try them on wearing thick socks that you would wear for hiking.
Then walk around a bit, and make sure you have a little bit of room in front: if your toes hit the front, downhill trails will hurt you.
Remember, feet swell when you’re hiking, so make sure the boots aren’t too snug.
For more detail on how to choose the right boots, and more boot recommendations, see this article How to Choose the Best Boots.
And if you’re still looking for gear and gifts, take a look at our IRW Merch Shop.
You’ll find gifts with the IRW Logo, Holiday-themed mugs and water-bottles, and other fun things to give as a gift.

There are some other pages about gear and other hiking stuff that feature Amazon products.
If you’ve been eyeballing something on the pages below, you should take another look to see if anything you want is on sale!
- Fun & Useful Accessories for Hikers
- Hiking Gear and Clothing – clothes, packs, etc
- Hiking Tips
- 10 Best Gifts for Hikers Under $50
- Basic Day Hike Gear
- Best Hiking Boots – Choose Your Perfect Fit
- Foot Care for Hikers – from Blisters to Boots
- 10 Tips to Control Indoor Allergens
- Clean Your Indoor Air With Houseplants
- How to Decorate for an Allergy-Free Season
Some of the items on these pages are at a special price for Amazon Prime members, so be sure to get your membership before you buy.
I hope these suggestions have been helpful, and you find what you need!
Thanks for stopping by – see you next time! LJ
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