Most recently updated February 14th, 2020
– – Awesome Training Week 3 started with a 6-ish mile morning hike on the Company Mill trail in Umstead State Park.

Company Mill trail trail has a little bit of elevation gain/loss, and is a bit rocky.
I had a great group of hikers with me, and we sped through it with no trouble.
My Strength-Building hike, the second posted hike this week, was around Lake Pine in Apex Community Park – 3 loops – for a total of 6 miles.
Week 3 goals also meant increasing extra weight on every hike, so I carried an extra 10lbs on the Company Mill, and upped the weight to 15lbs for Lake Pine.
Lake Pine is paved and generally pretty flat, but we added on some of the natural trail spurs for variety on the 2nd circuit.
Neither one of this week’s hikes whupped my butt, which was a good indication I’m back to my regular healthy self and now can concentrate on making strides forward!!
I also kick-boxed a few times and did some running on the treadmill because the weather was crap, and frankly I was binge-watching something addictive, and wanted to finish it!
So, just in case you’re new around here, the reason I’m spending the next 8 weeks training is for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.

I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it! 🙂
I really enjoy exercising in my home gym (if outdoors isn’t do-able) because I can watch a movie while I’m on the machine.
Or sometimes I have a time-crunch and it’s faster, and also if I work out at home I don’t have to care about how I look AT ALL.
You can accomplish the same level of Fashion Freedom if you hike or run outdoors in a remote enough area…
I don’t care much about how I look when I’m going to the gym, but if I’m going out in public for any reason, at the very least I don’t want to frighten anyone. 🙂
And that takes some effort…clothes, hair, makeup blah blah blah. Sometimes it’s just exhausting to have to make myself “presentable”…
And grumpy workouts aren’t any fun!

But if you’re feeling anti-social, short on time, bloated, or even just grumpy, don’t let it keep you from your workout!
Find a way to get some exercise anyway, and I guarantee you’ll feel better about everything when you’re done.
You also won’t have the added guilt or feelings of failure from not sticking to your plan.
Okay are we ready for Week 4? It’s going to be intense. Here we go!
TAKEAWAY LESSON: Stick to your workout plan, even if you don’t feel like it. You’ll feel better physically after you exercise, and you’ll be proud of yourself.
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.
Thanks for stopping by – see you next time! LJ

LJ has spent much of her free time as a single Mom – and now as an empty-nester – hiking in the US and around the world. She shares lessons learned from adventures both local and in exotic locations, and tips on how to be active with asthma, plus travel, gear, and hike planning advice for parents hiking with kids and beginners of all ages. Read more on the About page.