Green Exercise – Workout in Nature to Look and Feel Better

Most recently updated January 16th, 2022

If you’ve read any of my other posts, you know that given the choice I most always prefer to be outdoors – hiking, walking, gardening, dining, listening to music and whatever else I can do outside. 

Hikers picnic in the Mont Blanc range

Frankly, sometimes my friends and family find my need to be outdoors a little tiresome.   To keep the peace, I’ve had to occasionally move activities indoors because they want to be “more comfortable”. Continue reading Green Exercise – Workout in Nature to Look and Feel Better

Hiking With Asthma! A 3-Step Plan for Success

Most recently updated July 7th, 2023

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Everyone should do some research before trying a new physical activity – and prepping for a hike is no different. 

For asthmatics, failing to prepare properly for a hike can have results ranging from mildly unpleasant to catastrophic.

my five year old walked this same trail. relax.Be prepared, but don’t be so nervous that you don’t go out at all – walking is a natural exercise for us. 

Most of us have been doing it since we were very young.

That said,  in all of my posts I’m only speaking from my own experiences dealing with lifelong chronic severe asthma, including exercise induced asthma. 

I’ve come up with methods, including modifying my diet  and taking vitamins,  that enable me to be very physically active in spite of it – maybe they will work for you, too. Continue reading Hiking With Asthma! A 3-Step Plan for Success