Starting Small – How to Hike with Kids in Tow

Most recently updated January 18th, 2022

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Have you suddenly become a home-schooler and/or a  remote worker because of the new social distancing requirements?   

Hopefully, this won’t last forever. 

Meanwhile, you could take the kids outdoors for a hike to make it feel a little less oppressive.

Running a 5k with my five year old.

In spite of my asthma, I’ve always been an active person. 

Becoming a mother didn’t change that, or my desire to be outdoors in Nature. 

But it did change how I could participate if I wanted (or needed) to include little ones.   

Here’s how I did it!

When I first discovered recreational hiking, I was working at a full-time tech job, a single mother of a toddler with few babysitters around, and my closest family was 1500 miles away.

So most of my activities (outside of work) included the company of my little Mini-Me, and hiking was no exception.

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