– – Training Week 5 started with another snowy, icy Saturday morning – so it was treadmill training for me!
But Sunday the roads were clear – although it was still very cold! – and I went back into the woods with a great group of hikers for 6 miles on the Loblolly Trail in Umstead State Park.
We started a bit later than usual due to the cold, so I had time before we started for some extra yoga 🙂
A thin skim of ice on Big Lake in Umstead State Park.
Monday I attempted to join my friend Lenore for another hike, this time on the other side (Glenwood entrance) of Umstead State Park, to hike the multi-Use Trails.
But I was thwarted by a slow lumber truck that made me late, so I went my own way.
This was a short Strength Building hike for me, so I carried extra weight in my pack and hiked around 6.5 miles.
I decided to check out a trail at Forest Ridge Park.
Tuesday was supposed to be kickboxing, but it was an unusually warm day, and I just had to get outdoors, so I went to check out a new trail – recommended by another hiker – at Forest Ridge Park, and did a short 5 miles on the Shoreline Trail.
It was another trail along the shore of Falls Lake, but this time not part of the Falls Lake Trail or the MST.
Hiking the Shoreline Trail at Forest Ridge Park.
Wednesday I scheduled a long hike (`9 miles) that we hadn’t done in a while, due to weather.
The hike follows the MST along the Eno River from the Old Pump Station ruins to the Old Mill at West Point on the Eno.
There’s been construction along there for a couple of years, and it looks like it’s finally winding down.
Construction is finally winding down at the dam at West Point on the Eno.
Thursday was another long hike at Umstead – 9mi on the Co Mill & Sycamore trails, followed later in the day by another 4 miles on Loblolly and MUT with That Man and puppy.
Second hike of the day at Umstead with Colleen, the prettiest puppy 🙂
Friday it was supposed to rain all day, so I’d planned for kickboxing and indoor work.
Turns out we got hardly any rain at all. Hmmmph.
Nevermind, we’ve made it through 5 weeks so far.
In case you’re feeling proud of yourself (and you should!), I designed some Awesome T-Shirts to commemorate your training:
Wednesday this week was Groundhog Day, and the Rodent says we have 6 more weeks of winter.
Whatever that means around here…. But, no matter what, we know that:
Are you ready????
TAKEAWAY LESSON: The weather can have a big impact on your workout plans! Always check the weather and trail conditions before you head out, and even though the forecast is wrong A LOT, plan as if you believe them 😉
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
– – Training Week 4 started on Saturday with the world all socked-in with snow and ice from Friday’s storm, so Saturday was a treadmill with heavy pack day for me.
Sunday morning, everything was still iced in, so it was kickboxing for me early.
A little bit later things were starting to melt, so thanks to some other local hikers, I decided to take it outdoors to enjoy some sunshine and company!
A few of the local hike leaders, hosted by my friend Michael, ventured out to Umstead State Park, and took the multi-use trail from Old Reedy Creek Road into the Park.
Checking out the MUT into Umstead State Park.
Some of the group went into the woods on a snow-covered trail, but another hiker and I just took the MUT back the way we came because of time constraints.
The walk out was a lot easier and less treacherous than the earlier walk in!
Monday was my first posted hike, and I hosted a great group of people in Bond Park, on natural trails and the greenway for about 6.25 miles.
This was my “strength-building” hike for the week, so I had an extra 20 lbs in my pack.
It was still a little bit icy, but most of the trails and greenways were no trouble at all – in fact, it got more difficult as the ice melted and the mud thawed.
Tuesday was more kickboxing and I was able to entice That Man and the puppy out to walk a few miles in the afternoon, because it was a balmy 50ish degrees!
Week 4 included adding more extra weight, so I carried at least an extra 15lbs on every hike – including the treadmill hikes.
Here are their smiling faces! (They promised not to sue me….)
Wednesday, I led a another group on one of my favorite MST section hikes at Falls Lake.
Officially, the section is ~ 9 miles from the Baptist Rd trailhead out to the Little Lick Creek Bridge and back.
It was a little windy and cold on the bridge and exposed boardwalk, so some folks held back in the shelter of the bridge for that section.
View from the top of the Little Lick Creek bridge on a windy wintery day.
We were protected from the wind and all got much warmer once we returned to the shelter of the woods.
Thursday was *sort of* a rest day for me, so I only did a few miles with a pack uphill on the treadmill, and some yoga.
Friday, was more kickboxing and a chilly 3 mile urban hike.
I kind of hate the gym – even my home gym – so I’m counting those indoor workouts this week as a personal win!
As a celebration of being half-way through my 8-week program, I bought 2 new pairs of hiking pants – after a friend told me my butt looked amazing in them…
What? Nothing wrong with being useful AND decorative 🙂
Looking forward to more Wintery weather this weekend…
Week 5 is next – with longer hikes, heavier weights, and more Winter weather!! It should be lots of fun!
And I don’t mean that sarcastically. Pretty sure…
TAKEAWAY LESSON: Reward yourself for hard work and celebrate your personal wins!
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
– – Awesome Training Week 3 got off to a great start with a 9ish mile Saturday morning hike hosted by my friend Heidi on the Mountains to Sea Trail, beginning from the Shinleaf parking lot at Falls Lake.
The Mountains to Sea Trail is blazed with a white circle.
This was a good hike with a good group – but the weather was a bit cold!
We started off briskly enough – and I had enough extra weight in my pack – that by the time we reached the midpoint, I was sweating through my jacket.
We started to go more slowly on the return, and I got chilled, so I sped up for warmth and finished a bit sooner than the group.
This puppy loves to snuggle!
It was a great way to start the day – and I felt good about snuggling in for the afternoon with That Man and Colleen (the prettiest puppy).
And then the week went to crap!!
You might think I’m kidding, but I’m not.
So far this year we’d been spared the legendary ice storms (and snow that turns to ice, which then turns into a bazillion car accidents), but last weekend the Snow Miser finally caught up with us on Sunday.
Here in the South, that ice can also turn into many power outages, and thankfully we never lost power throughout the bad weather.
The next day, Sunday, I had scheduled a favorite 9.3mi hike, another section of the MST, starting at the Baptist Rd Trailhead – but I had to cancel because the weather was just too bad.
Trees in the lake at the mid-point of the MST section hike from Baptist Rd trailhead.
Cold isn’t a problem if people bundle up, but driving to the trailhead can be treacherous, and I don’t want to ask anyone to come out in unsafe road conditions.
So, I had to disappoint the hikers signed up for Sunday, and contented myself with elevated treadmilling with a weighted pack.
I actually enjoy exercising in my home gym (if outdoors isn’t do-able) because I can watch a movie while I’m on the machine – but I would much rather be outside!
The forecast looked like our only outdoor opportunities would be maybe Tuesday and Wednesday, and then the rest of the week would have to be indoors again.
Monday the weather was still crap, too, so I did some kickboxing and weights.
Meanwhile I constantly refreshed my weather app, in hopes the forecast would get nice enough to post an outdoor hike!
My mania paid off and I was able to post a last-minute hike for Tuesday, and a few hardy souls joined me 🙂
We hiked 6 miles on the multi-use trail (a gravel/packed dirt road) from the Old Reedy Creek trailhead, across the old I-40 bridge, all the way to Warren Cemetery inside Umstead State Park.
Joggers on the old I-40 bridge that is part of the MUT into Umstead from Old Reedy Creek trailhead.
This is a good route when the trails may be too muddy or icy from recent rain and snow.
I used this for my weekly Strength-Building hike, and added some more weight to my pack – so I was at around 15-20 lbs per the hike training plan.
The next day, Wednesday, was a beautiful day, with highs in the 60’s (N Carolina is so weird) so we took advantage of the day with another long hike!
Big Lake at Umstead State Park.
A great group of hikers joined me at Umstead State Park, where we started off on the Company Mill Trail, and then took the MUT out to Big Lake and back – for a total of ~ 8 miles.
The weather was so beautiful that after I got cleaned up from that hike, I persuaded That Man and the puppy to join me for another 4 miles in Bond Park before sundown.
We were even able to have dinner at our favorite sidewalk cafe before it got too cold 🙂
Sundown at Bond Lake.
Thursday the weather had turned to rain and sleet, so I had to be content with Yoga and 1 hour (4 miles) at top incline with weights on the treadmill.
Encouragement in my home gym.
By Friday, the rain had frozen on the ground and some snow had fallen on top of it, soooo – kickboxing and weightlifting indoors – to avoid road traffic.
Good thing, because we had about 600 accidents locally due to icy roads!!
Altogether, a somewhat disappointing week for hiking outdoors. That said, we still managed to get some time in the sunshine – so it could’ve been worse.
Like next week. Next week the weather forecast is even crappier. 🙁
But it doesn’t matter – we’ll find a way to get some exercise anyway, and I guarantee we’ll feel better about everything when it’s done!
Meanwhile, there’s a jigsaw puzzle and wine with my name on it 🙂
Not so far, but it could happen Friday night!!
Okay are you ready for Week 4? It’s going to be intense. Here we go!
TAKEAWAY LESSON: Stick to your workout plan, even if the weather is crap and you don’t feel like it. You’ll feel better physically after you exercise, and you’ll be proud of yourself, too!
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
– – I began the second week of training on Monday, leading a great group of hikers on another 6.5 mile hike on the Company Mill trail inUmstead State Park.
Company Mill trail has the most elevation gain of any of the Park’s trails, and you especially feel it on the final hill at the end of the hike!
Millstone and plaque along the Company Mill Trail
I call that one the “you gotta be kidding me” hill.
Anyway, this time I hiked it with 10 extra lbs in my pack again. Yay 😐
Old gravestone alongside the MUT in Umstead State Park.
Tuesday, I did some weights and stuff at home, then joined my friend Lenore’s shorter hike (5-6mi hike) on the Multi-Use Trails in a different part of Umstead.
The MUT is a gravel/dirt road that has some mild elevation gain/loss but is pretty smooth.
The MUT is also usually pretty dry, even after heavy rains.
Visitors Center at Wilkerson Nature Preserve in Raleigh.
Wilkerson Nature Preserve
On Wednesday, I was supposed to kickbox, but I blew it off and instead just did my yoga and then joined my friend Heidi’s hike.
It was about 7-8 miles, starting with some of the trails in Wilkerson Nature Preserve, and then following the MST to Falls Lake Dam, where we turned around and came back to our starting place.
Hikers at Wilkerson Nature Preserve.
I joined this hike because I like those guys, and also I’d never been to Wilkerson Nature Preserve – and I’m always interested in trying out another local section of the MST.
There are a number of fun trails within the Preserve, especially designed for younger children, and also a playground.
One of the regular trails specifically links to the white-blazed Mountains to Sea Trail, which will lead you all the way to Falls Lake Dam (which is the beginning of the Falls Lake Trail.)
Turtle stepping stones at Wilkerson Nature Preserve.
Loblolly Trail to Schenk Forest
Thursday I led another group of hikers on an 8.5 mile hike, starting from the Loblolly trail in Umstead State Park, following it all the way and crossing over to the Schenk Forest and back.
You can create this longer-distance hike combo and several others starting from the Harrison Ave entrance to Umstead State Park. This is especially useful when you’re training locally for a longer-distance hiking trip.
Every hike this week (whether long or short) I’ve hiked with at least an extra 10 lbs in the pack, bumping it up on some of the shorter hikes to an 15 extra lbs.
I did this because I’m already in pretty good shape – and the training needs to work for me, too 🙂
Ferns line the Loblolly Trail in Schenk Forest.
Charities for Steps
Speaking of making my training count – another thing I did this week was sign up for a couple of charities that use my hiking miles to donate money to good causes.
Maybe you’d like to do it, too!
Biking on a raised boardwalk greenway in Cary.
St Jude’s Cycle for Charity
Heidi was doing the St Jude’s Cycle for Charity, and asked if I’d like to join.
I’ve been known to ride a bike, but mostly I move around on foot, so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do it.
So far, I’ve done 76 of the 200 miles.
But we found out that they allow hiking/running steps, too – so I joined up!
I use to use Wooftrax all the time (I did 860 miles for this one), but lost the app when I changed phones.
I just loaded it back up this week, and start the app- when I remember – on every hike.
WoofTrax’ Walk for a Dog (Android andiOS) app lets you raise money for your favorite animal organization while you walk your dog.
The app is funded by ads and sponsors, and the longer you walk, the more money you’ll raise for your charity.
Download the Wooftrax app to your phone.
Submit your name and email address, then confirm your email address by clicking on a link sent to that address.
The app will then ask you to add your dog (or dogs), but you can also choose “Walk for Cassie” or add in a fake dog’s info — you don’t actually need a dog to use the app.
Hit “Start Walking,” and the app will track your steps, distance, and map your walk using GPS.
iPhone users can use the app on a treadmill or stationary bike, but Android users will need to get outside for the app to work.
Charity Miles gives to your favorite cause based on the miles you run, bike or hike.
Charity Miles
Charity Miles (Android and iOS), is a free app that rewards the charity of your choice for every mile you walk, run or bike. Corporate sponsors pledge up to $0.25 for each mile you log in the app.
The Charity Miles app features 37 participating charities, including the World Wildlife Fund, charity: water, and Habitat for Humanity.
Download and install the app and sign up for a Charity Miles account.
Before each workout, open the app and pick the charity you want to help.
Select the type of activity you’re doing and start your workout.
When you’re finished with your workout, hit the stop button.
I haven’t used this one, but all the reviews say it’s great.
I use my hike miles for several charities at a time, like “double coupon” day 🙂
Hiking the burn on Bond Park’s Lake Trail.
Friday was just kickboxing and weights, and pleasant 4mi walk in the woods at Bond Park with That Man and the prettiest puppy Colleen to take advantage of some of the last warmish weather forecast this week.
This week I did a lot of my hikes with other people.
But lately I’ve found that if I’m not committed to meeting other people for a workout – whether I’m leading it or not – I’m more likely to let other things interfere and keep me from getting my exercise.
It may be because of ongoing pandemic stress, or colder weather – whatever it is, I’m fighting hard against giving in.
Hiking the MST on the Eno River.
Other people have told me they are having the same issues.
I think if you’re having trouble doing the exercise you’re “supposed to” be doing, you need to forget about all that, and seize any opportunity that seems more fun.
Whatever gets you moving is your best option!
TAKEAWAY LESSON: The right workout is one that you will do – so be ready to seize the opportunity to make your workouts fun!
The Fairy Footpath at Wilkerson Nature Preserve in Raleigh.
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
The holiday season is just now winding down, so I’ve started this week to focus on getting back to my usually pretty disciplined training routine.
That routine includes several hikes per week – which I’ll post on my Meetup, so you can go, too – along with weight training, cardio and of course stretching every day.
Over the next couple of weeks, along with more focused and increased physical training, I’ll also try to clean up my diet.
Domestic Cheese Tray – holiday food. So much cheese!
Specifically, now that the socially condoned Holiday eating extravagance is behind us, I’m working on getting back to my normal (pretty healthy) eating habits before Super Bowl Sunday.
And then my birthday is this week…
Throughout the holiday season – which for me starts in October and doesn’t end until mid January – I’ve been plagued by a super-abundance of cheese. So much cheese.
Special Cheese Tray Idea, c1964 | Superbowl snacks. More cheese.
Because of my asthma, I’ve adopted a “clean” diet ( you can read about my Anti-Asthma Diet here ) that focuses more on protein and veggies, and less on dairy and grains.
Fun fact: Cheese activates the same receptors in your brain as opioids. So, you CAN get addicted to cheese…
But, even past the hurdle of Christmas and New Year’s, we’ve got the Super Bowl and then Valentines Day to deal with….
Valentine’s Day Snack – Fruit & Cheese Heart Platter. Cheese again.
After Valentine’s Day, Easter is just a short hop away.
And you know what that means – jellybeans. I admit I’ve got a jellybean problem – I even tried to explain to That Man how jellybeans are actually vegetables.
He was not convinced. Neither was I, really.
Jellybeans are so small… nd they’re beans, right?
Clearly, I can’t be trusted, so no more jellybeans for me – I won’t even bring them in the house.
Except for my magic Sports Beans– which have saved my bacon (no! no bacon!) many times on the trail in the heat of summer.
They even have caffeine 🙂
And just get away from me with that cheese tray….
TAKEAWAY LESSON: Any diet begins in the grocery store!!
I hope you’ll find my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
– – Week 6 – the final week – of the ReFit Training is finished. Yay!!!
And I did go to see the Doc – which you may recall, was the endpoint for this training series because with all of the COVID-19 trail closures, it was hard to plan for a specific hike .
Here’s what I did this week and how the Doc visit went….
Week 6 Recap
Week 6 was another hot, hot, hot! week weather-wise, and I was still recovering from some dehydration from the week before.
So the first couple of days I did my main daily exercise indoors – kickboxing, treadmill runs, weights.
Some tools for indoor training in the home gym.
Midweek I was back out on the trail locally in Bond Park for a quick 6 mile walk before it got too hot.
Thursday I did the unthinkable – I took a rest day 🙂
That was also the day I went in for my checkup with the Doc.
The Checkup
The good news is, apparently I’m going to live forever!
The bad news is, I didn’t reach my weight goal. I blame licorice and chocolate sorbet…. 😉
But seriously, I’m not too worried.
My clothes all still fit, and the weight loss was my own goal – not mandated by illness or anything.
Hiking the Lake Trail in Bond Park.
I just generally feel better and more energetic when I’m a bit lighter.
I’ll keep working on it – hopefully without obsessing too much. Because no one needs more stress these days!
Actually, with all of the stress and forced inactivity due to COVID-19 restrictions, it could be a lot worse…
Stress and Weight Gain
Stress can leave you open to a lot of illnesses.
With all that’s been going on the past few months – health worries, job and financial losses, enforced isolation, restricted movements, killings and riots, incessant political noise, etc – we’ve all had a lot of reason to be stressed out.
And we can all agree that too much stress is bad for you.
Excess stress can lead to headaches, digestive and sleep problems, and depression.
Stress can also wreak havoc on metabolism and cause stress-induced weight gain.
For some time we’ve known about the connection between stress and weight gain, specifically due to an increase in cortisol levels.
What is Cortisol?
Cortisol is a hormone that your body releases when you’re feeling physical or psychological stress.
The hormone raises your blood pressure and blood sugar and can suppress the immune system.
Higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol have also been shown to increase appetite.
Stressed to the Max
Fresh fruits and veggies are part of a healthy diet.
Psychologist Leslie Heinberg, PhD. , Director of Behavioral Services for the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at Cleveland Clinic, agrees that the link between stress and weight gain is real.
Healthy habits like getting enough sleep, exercising and eating a healthy diet are harder to maintain when you feel like you’re maxed out emotionally, she says.
3 Tips to Fight Weight Gain
But even if you can’t fix the causes of your stress, you can make small changes to try to minimize offset the effects.
Here are three tips that might help you fight stress-induced weight gain:
ONE: Choose Your Fats Wisely
Fat is important to feel full, and it’s also one of your body’s key building blocks. But to keep it in balance, try to choose only one high-fat item per meal.
For example, if you have a healthy salad for lunch, don’t include both olive oil and avocado – just choose one of those things.
So, if you want avocado on your salad, use a balsamic vinegar dressing rather than an oil-based vinaigrette.
TWO: Adjust Your Meal Proportions
To reduce calories, shift your servings a bit to slash calories without having to eat less food.
Trading in a portion of dense grains for low-cal veggies is an easy way to accomplish a quick calorie savings that doesn’t require sacrificing volume.
For example, if you’re eating rice and veggies for a meal, shift the balance to include more veggies and less rice.
Eating 1.5 cups of veggies and .5 cup of brown rice instead of 1 cup of each can easily save you 60-75 calories. Those small savings will add up over time.
THREE: Take a Quick Post-Meal Walk
Take a short walk to boost your metabolism.
A study from George Washington University found that taking a 15-minute walk after meals helped normalize blood sugar levels for up to three hours after eating.
If you don’t have 15 minutes, even a 5 minute walk – just to break from sitting to get your blood pumping – can shift your metabolism.
It can also be a time to clear your head, connect with nature, or catch up with a walking buddy – all of which can help reduce feelings of stress.
Back to the Woods
Later in the week, the weather cooled down a bit and I’d recovered from my dehydration, so I was ready to hit the woods again!
The Lake Trail goes past the Observation Tower at Lake Crabtree.
So on Friday (after a treadmill run indoors in the morning), I hiked around Lake Crabtree in the afternoon.
It was beautiful as usual – though I miss seeing the sailboats on the lake! (They’re not allowed now due to COVID-19 restrictions.)
Saturday, That Man and I got on the bikes and had a nice 20-mile ride on the greenways and the ATT.
A new section of the White Oak greenway connects Bond park and Davis Drive Park.
It was a gorgeous day, and the trails were surprisingly un-crowded.
Sunday, was my long hike for the week, a 8-9 miler in Umstead State Park, on a combination of Company Mill and Sycamore Trails.
A great group of hikers came with me 🙂
That hike was the end of my training week, and of this training series. But I’ll keep on going!
A stroller-friendly trail in Umstead State Park
Training for Life
For me, training is never really over. Many active people are the same.
Even though our goals change from week to week, or year to year, we always keep moving forward and striving to improve.
Whether it’s a hiking to a new mountain summit, getting into a new dress, or mastering a new sport or skill, training towards a goal is what keeps us motivated and interested in what we’re doing.
The Tongariro Alpine Crossing was one of my Bucket List hikes.
What’s Your Next Adventure?
Although some destinations are still out of reach due to continuing COVID-19 restrictions, many State and National Parks are opening back up now.
I’ve got my eye on a few new adventures within driving distance of home, and I’m starting to get excited about it!
I might even start some new training hikes soon 🙂
If you’re local and would like to join us, check out the I’d Rather Walk Meetupfor hike postings.
The Hawksbill Summit in Shenandoah National Park is an attainable goal for most hikers.
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log. Take a look at my 6 Week Training Planpost to see the whole plan.
For some ideas for your next adventures, check out my Hiking Destinations page for outdoor vacation spots for you and your family.
Thanks for stopping by – see you next time! LJ
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The forecast called for highs in the 90’s, which is pretty hot for hiking, but it’s better than thunderstorms, so I stuck to the plan.
It’s been my habit to visit Hanging Rock every year in the early Spring, but this year the parks were closed due to COVID restrictions during the milder weather.
Most State Parks are at least partially open now, and the weather will only get warmer, so it was time to go!
Summer Heat is Back
Every year in North Carolina, sometime between March and late June, there’s a moment when you step outside and get smacked in the face with hot, humid air.
And you suddenly remember what Summer feels like in all of it’s intense sweaty glory. 🙂
We had a few hot days earlier this year, but this past week Summer let us know it’s really here to stay.
Summer includes higher temps, higher humidity and changes to the weather pattern. If you’re smart, it should include some some changes to your workout routine, too.
North Carolina heat and sun are just as intense inland as on the beach.
If you’re planning on doing anything really strenuous outdoors, you should probably get going as early as possible.
Not only will the heat get more intense later in the day, but we usually have a pretty good chance of heavy storms – possibly with lightning – in the late afternoon.
So my plan was to hit the road early, get to the Park by 9ish and be done hiking before the storms rolled in.
Midweek Field Trip to Hanging Rock
I’ve been to Hanging Rock many times over the years, so I decided to try something a little different this time.
Hanging Rock SP Visitors Center closed due to COVID-19 restrictions
Instead of parking as usual at the Visitor’s Center (which is currently closed due to COVID restrictions anyway), I decided to park at the Tory’s Den parking lot and hike from there.
The Tory’s Den parking gives you access to the Ruben Mountain trail, plus Tory’s Den and Falls.
You can also get on the trail to Moore’s Knob from there as well – but be aware that it’s a 1 mile hike from the parking lot to get to the start of both Ruben Mountain Trail and Moore’s Wall Loop, so you need to add 2 miles to figure total distance.
Map of trails near Tory’s Den parking area.
I’d hiked to Moore’s Knob before, but hadn’t hiked Ruben Mountain so I started with that trail.
Ruben Mountain Trail – 6ish mile loop
The Ruben Mountain Trail starts 1 mile from the parking area. It’s about 4 miles total, but with the additional miles to and from the parking, just to do the Ruben Mountain trail is around 6 miles.
Trailhead sign at Tory’s Den parking
The trail is wide and lined with split-rail fences in some sections, and you can tell it’s a favorite trail for horseback riders.
It’s an okay trail, mostly flat and would be a great trail running route if you lived locally.
But I wouldn’t recommend traveling that far (it’s a 2 hour drive for me) just to hike the Ruben Mountain Trail.
I contemplated going up the hill to Moore’s Knob, but realized that would add another 4.5 miles to the 6 miles I’d already done, and I still wanted to be sure to see Tory’s Den and Falls before it was time to go.
So I walked back down the to the intersection with Tory’s Den Trail.
Tory’s Falls at Hanging Rock State Park
The hike to Tory’s Falls was a soft dirt trail, mostly downhill.
After crossing a couple of streams, and finally going down a few flights of wooden steps, I stepped onto a large rock outcropping.
On the other side of a river channel were Tory’s Falls. It was a great place for a break 🙂
After eating an apple and chugging some water, I continued down more wooden steps (!) to Tory’s Den.
Looking into Tory’s Den.
History of Tory’s Den
During the American Revolution, Whig (revolutionaries) and Tory (loyal to Britain) neighbors occasionally clashed.
One of these skirmishes occurred in 1778 at Hanging Rock State Park.
The Tory’s Den (the cave shown above) was home to about 100 British sympathizers who lost their property to the Whigs after the war began.
After a Tory raid, the Whigs retaliated by attacking the den. No Whigs were lost in the skirmish and most of the Tories were taken prisoner.
THE TRAIL continues down a little bit further, but you can’t get close to the water due to vegetation along the banks.
Current Park Restrictions
I climbed back up all of those stairs (!) and drove about 6 miles to the Visitors Center parking area, where I hiked a couple of the shorter waterfall trails before making the drive back home.
Though the swimming area at the lake is closed for COVID-19, people can still swim in the waterfalls 🙂
Unfortunately, the Visitor’s Center (and restrooms) are currently closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.
There are restrooms available at the bathhouse. (To see current conditions and restrictions at all State Parks, click here.)
Trail head for Upper Cascades Falls at the Visitor’s Center
Puppy Hike and Bond Park Run
Good puppy on a leash!
The middle of the week was even hotter at home!
I contented myself through the rest of the week with some kickboxing, treadmill running and weights indoors, a shorter outdoor morning run at Bond Park, and took the puppy on a shady greenway hike to Annie Jones Park and Lake Pine.
Hot, Hot, Hot! This Week’s Long Hike – 12.5 miles
This week’s long hike was on a very hot day, but we started pretty early.
The route began on the Loblolly Trail in Umstead State Park and followed Loblolly into Schenck Forest and back out onto the Reedy Creek Greenway.
The rest of the route would continue to follow the greenway all the way to the North Carolina Museum of Art Park.
(The Museum buildings and restrooms are still closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, so we made sure to take advantage of facilities at Umstead before heading out.)
Half of the group turned back to do a shorter 6.5 mile hike options, and the rest of us continued on along the Reedy Creek Trail.
– – Week 4 of the ReFit Training began with a long group hike (<25 people in accordance with current restrictions) at Umstead State Park.
We hiked 8 miles on Company Mill trail to Big Lake and back on a combination natural trails and multi-use trails.
The route was designed to avoid the spots that were still muddy from last week’s rain.
I was starting to worry when we didn’t see our snake friend, but then we spotted him towards the end of the hike on higher ground.
And the hikers who joined were amazing as usual! 🙂
A Different Sort of Week
It was a holiday week, since the work week started with Memorial Day.
For me, that meant an extra day to hang out with That Man and explore some new (to us) local places on foot.
Specifically, we spent time checking out the Rolling View section of Falls Lake.
View of Falls Lake from the Rolling View side.
Falls Lake State Recreation Area
Falls Lake State Recreation Area is made up of seven access areas scattered around the shoreline of an undeveloped 12,000-acre reservoir.
The Falls Lake Trail (a portion of the North Carolina Mountains-to-Sea State Trail) can be joined at the Rolling View access – which was one of the places open despite COVID restrictions – so that’s where we started.
Map showing the Falls Lake Trail in Rolling View section
The Falls Lake Trail follows the entire south shore of the lake, traveling over 50 miles from the shore of the Neuse River below the Falls Lake Dam all the way to the Eno River.
We were only able to go a couple of miles before the trail was too flooded to pass, due to the high water from recent heavy rain.
But we improvised on some other trails and got about 5 miles in anyway 🙂
Strength Building Hike – Bond Park, 6 miles
The middle of the week was dry (finally!) so I loaded 20 extra pounds into my pack on Tuesday for this week’s Strength Building hike in Bond Park, a 6-ish mile hike that included the Bond Park Lake Trail.
Midweek Beach Escape
After months of being unable to travel due to COVID restrictions, I decided to gamble on the weather and take a little overnight road trip to the Coast.
Though beaches and State and National Parks are still partly closed, some trails and facilities are available, and some coastal parks have beach access.
I booked a room in Atlantic Beach, and headed for Fort Macon State Park.
Fort Macon State Park map at the Visitors Center
Fort Macon State Park
Nearly surrounded by water at the eastern tip of Bogue Banks, Fort Macon State Park is the site of a restored Civil War-era fort, a couple of hiking trails, and offers unspoiled shoreline for swimming.
Canons line the upper fort wall on the beach side
Unfortunately, the interior of the fort and the Visitor’s Center are currently closed due to COVID restrictions, but the beach and trails are open.
There are also restrooms available.
Trailhead sign in the Visitors Center parking lot
Elliott Coues’ Trail – 3.3 mile loop
The main thing I wanted to do at the park was hike the relatively new Elliott Coues Trail.
I started at the trailhead in the far corner of the Visitor’s Center parking lot.
Raised boardwalk on the Elliott Coues’ Trail
The trail is a 3.3 mile loop that goes along the beach, through salt march and forest, and even along the road beside the Coast Guard station for a short time before returning to the park.
It’s a beautiful trail, with the beach side of the loop paved with a new layer of soft wood chips.
The wooded side is a combination of soft dirt and some boardwalks.
You can see different kinds wildlife from the trail: there were a lot of different birds and I startled a young doe near the marsh side.
View of the beach from inside the upper fort wall.
Atlantic Beach is one of my favorite North Carolina beaches, not in the least because I usually stay in a place where can get up in the morning and walk to the beach – without worrying about trying to move my car or pay for parking.
When I’m there I usually do about 4 miles on the beach in the morning, more if time allows.
This time, I was able to get 4 miles in but couldn’t do any more because of a fast-moving thunderstorm.
The rain wasn’t going anywhere, so after my run I packed up and headed back inland.
Storm rolling in to Atlantic Beach
Company Mill Accidentally Underwater Hike – 6 miles
Friday was rainy at home, too. But I decided to risk an afternoon hike between rain storms on the Company Mill Trail in Umstead State Park anyway.
Unfortunately, a couple of miles into the hike a downpour started.
I was on the natural trail when the rain started, but the trail quickly became a raging stream.
Reedy Creek Lake and multi-use trail on a sunny day.
So I diverted my route to get back to the the drier multi-use trails, and ended up with about 6.5 miles and lots of mud on my boots when I finished.
In addition to hiking at home and on the coast this week, I also kick-boxed, ran on my treadmill , lifted some weights, and did some Bodyweight Training exercises.
With 4 weeks down of the allotted 6 weeks to get back in shape , I’m still not seeing the kind of results the I’d hoped for, but I’ve still got a couple of weeks to keep trying 🙂
If you’re local and would like to join us, check out the I’d Rather Walk Meetupfor hike postings.
Looking down Atlantic Beach towards the pier.
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
Take a look at my 6 Week Training Planpost to see what other kinds of training I’m doing, and what other hikes I’ll have coming up.
Thanks for stopping by – see you next time! LJ
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– – The persistent rain through the majority of the work week kept me indoors more than I like for Week 3 of the training.
I saved my “official” hikes for the end of the week when the sun reappeared, but earlier in the week I took some shorter walks (< 5 miles) between the raindrops in Bond Park and Davis Park along the Black Creek Greenway.
The water was really high in Bond Lake and Black Creek in Bond Park.
Strength Building – Company Mill & Multi-Use Trail, 6.5 miles
My Strength Building hike for the week went into Umstead State Park, from the Harrison Ave entrance side.
I loaded 20 pounds in the pack and walked the first half of the Company Mill trail, then took the multi-use trails past Reedy Creek Lake and returned on the last little bit of the Loblolly Trail to create a 6.5 mile route.
I saw our snake buddy near the same spot we saw him last Sunday. He seemed pretty calm….
A Modified Reopening Phase 2 started May 22….
The Guv released a modified Phase 2 on Friday, which included increasing allowed outdoor group size from <10 to < 25 people.
Snake crossing plank bridge on the Company Mill trail.
Long Hike – Company Mill & Sycamore, 8-9 miles
So I updated the week’s “long” group hike to hold up to 20 people (plus me) on an 8-9 mile loop using the Company Mill Trail and the Sycamore Trail in Umstead State Park.
We ran into our favorite snake on the trail again. He’s getting to be a regular 🙂
There were a lot of people in the park, but it’s still less crowded than normal ( and less crowded than the garden centers were this weekend).
High water in Reedy Creek, Umstead State Park
We had a shorter route option but everyone – even the first timers – chose to do the longer hike. What a great group!
Beaches Are Beckoning
Even with some restrictions still in place for North Carolina beaches, it’s hard not to head to the coast when the weather is nice.
If you’re not allowed to sunbathe, you might be able to get out on a hiking trail near the beach.
Though State and National Parks are still partly closed, some trails and facilities are available. I plan to check it out ASAP – and I’ll let you know what I find 🙂
While some State Park beaches and beach trails on the Coast are open, all inland swim beaches and swim areas are CLOSED.
(This includes the swim beaches at: Cliffs of the Neuse, Goose Creek, Hanging Rock, Jones Lake, Lake James, Lake Norman, and New River (Elk Shoals access) state parks; the swim piers at Lake Waccamaw, Pettigrew, and Singletary Lake state parks; and all swim areas at Falls Lake, Jordan Lake, and Kerr Lake state recreation areas.)
All Visitor’s Centers are also still closed.
In addition to hiking this week, I also kick-boxed, ran on my treadmill and outdoors, lifted some weights, and did some Bodyweight Training exercises.
So with 3 weeks down of the allotted 6 weeks to get back in shape , we’re halfway through. I’m not seeing the results I’d hoped for yet, but I’ll keep trying 🙂
If you’re local and would like to join us, check out the I’d Rather Walk Meetupfor hike postings.
Ferns enjoy the rain in the community composting garden in Bond Park.
I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂 To see more of them go to my Training Log.
Take a look at my 6 Week Training Planpost to see what other kinds of training I’m doing, and what other hikes I’ll have coming up.
Thanks for stopping by – see you next time! LJ
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Do you want to get in shape for an epic hike or a bucket list trip?
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