Week 5: More is Better – Sometimes

Most recently updated February 14th, 2020

– – Training Week 5 started with another 8.5 mile morning hike combining the Company Mill and Sycamore trails in Umstead State Park  to create a big figure-8 shaped route across the center of the park.

This route is rockier than the Loblolly trail, and has more elevation gain, especially on the return trip to the trailhead.

It’s a beautiful hike alongside the creek for a good portion, with a few bridges and step-stone crossings.

Hikers take a break at the tree carving near the Sycamore trail
Hikers take a break at the tree carving near the Sycamore trail

For a little change of pace, I took us on the MUT for about .5 mile on the return trip.

This allowed us to take a break and also admire the wonderful trailside wood carving!

The length of the long hike this week was the same as last week, but I had 5 lbs more in the pack, and the trail had more elevation gain.

I was doing just fine until we got to the last mile or so on the return – which is all uphill!   I admit, by that point the extra pack weight was kicking my butt….

My extra pack weight for Week 5 was 15lbs on the Company Mill-Sycamore route, and I upped it to 20lbs for the shorter Lake Crabtree circuit.  

One of the spots that can get wet on the Crabtree Lake Trail
One of the spots that can get wet on the Crabtree Lake Trail

My Strength-Building hike, the second posted hike this week, was around the lake on paved greenways and natural trails in Lake Crabtree County Park.

Total distance was about 6 miles.

This route can get very muddy after hard rains, and sometimes they close access to the natural trails.

When that happens I come around from the other side – starting on the paved greenways – and if I’m lucky the trail won’t be too bad and the park’s access gate will be open by the time I get around to that side!

If you do this, there’s a chance you’ll need to turn around due to trail conditions and end up hiking more miles than you planned.  I got lucky this time  🙂

Along with the usual kick-boxing a few times, short runs and a gym trip, this week I took advantage of the Spring-like weather to get out on my bike and ride some of the paved greenways in and around Bond Park.

FYI, just in case you’re new around here, I’m spending the next 8 weeks training for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.

My NZ trip itinerary includes a day of biking in the Karangahake Gorge, so I need to do a little bike training, too!

A view of the karangahake gorge bike trail
A view of the karangahake gorge bike trail

I’m not one of those all-spandex-all-the-time bikers, but I do ok 🙂

I just need to remind those muscles how to ride a few times before I go.

And as scary as biking a gorge sounds, this particular bike route is a very scenic but pretty tame rail trail  for a good part of the way.

Tame is fine with me –   I got my share of biking steep hills on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland a few years back!

Week 6 is coming!!!

TAKEAWAY LESSON:  The weather can have a big impact on your workout plans!  Always check the weather and trail conditions before you head out.

I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂   To see more of them go to my Training Log.

You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.

Thanks for stopping by – see you next time!  LJ

Week 4: We’re Halfway There

Most recently updated February 14th, 2020

– – Training Week 4 started with a 8.5 mile morning hike of the complete route on the Loblolly trail in Umstead State Park with the addition of several miles in Schenck Forest and on the Reedy Creek Greenway to create a circuit.

Sign at the Loblolly Trailhead
Sign at the Loblolly Trailhead

Loblolly trail has a little bit of elevation gain/loss, but is mostly fairly flat and smooth.

There are a couple of creek or fence crossings, but no big deal.

I love the Loblolly-Schenck loop because of  all the ferns along the trail, and in the Springtime you can see colts and wildflowers in the NC State Veterinary school corrals.

Again, a really great group of hikers  made this hike a lot of fun!

My Strength-Building hike, the second posted hike this week, was around Bond Lake  and on the White Oak Greenway, and other natural trails in Bond Park.  Total was about 6 miles.

Week 4 included carrying extra weight on every hike, so I carried an extra 15lbs on the Loblolly-Schenck, and the same for Bond Park.

Bond Park is a great place for shorter walks or hikes, and has a lot of paved trails for strollers.

I also kick-boxed a few times and did some running on the treadmill again, kept trying to get to the gym – and finally did!!

I kind of hate the gym, especially in the cold and dark – which is actually when you mostly need to use the gym – so I’m counting that as a personal win.

So, just in case you’re new around here, I’m spending the next 8 weeks training for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.

As a celebration of being half-way through my 8-week program, I bought a new one-piece swimsuit!  And it doesn’t have leggings – or a parasol 🙂

Week 5 is next – with longer hikes, and heavier weights.  It should be lots of fun!

And I don’t mean that ironically.

TAKEAWAY LESSON:  Reward yourself for hard work and celebrate your personal wins!

I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂   To see more of them go to my Training Log.

You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.

Thanks for stopping by – see you next time!  LJ

Week 3: Training a Level Up

Most recently updated February 14th, 2020

– – Awesome Training Week 3 started with a 6-ish mile morning hike on the Company Mill trail in Umstead State Park.

Umstead State Park has been my go-to hiking place for at least the past ten years.  Company Mill trail, Loblolly Trail and Sycamore Trail are the longest natural trails in the area.  I hike in the forest, or with the forest as a starting place, at least twice per week. Located in Wake County, NC between Raleigh, Cary and Durham, this 5,579 acre park is at most a 15 minute drive (or a 5 mile walk) from my house.
Millstone and plaque along the Company Mill Trail

Company Mill trail trail has a little bit of elevation gain/loss, and is a bit rocky.

I had a great group of hikers with me, and we sped through it with no trouble.

My Strength-Building hike, the second posted hike this week, was around Lake Pine in Apex Community Park – 3 loops – for a total of 6 miles.

Week 3 goals also meant increasing extra weight on every hike, so I carried an extra 10lbs on the Company Mill, and upped the weight to 15lbs for Lake Pine.

Lake Pine is paved and generally pretty flat, but we added on some of the natural trail spurs for variety on the 2nd circuit.

Neither one of this week’s hikes whupped my butt, which was a good indication I’m back to my regular healthy self and now can concentrate on making strides forward!!

I also kick-boxed a few times and did some running on the treadmill because the weather was crap, and frankly I was binge-watching something addictive, and wanted to finish it!

So, just in case you’re new around here, the reason I’m spending the next 8 weeks training is for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.

Map of Lake Trail around Lake Pine
Map of Lake Trail around Lake Pine

I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it! 🙂

I  really enjoy exercising in my home gym (if outdoors isn’t do-able) because I can watch a movie while I’m on the machine.

Or sometimes I have a time-crunch and it’s faster, and also if I work out at home I don’t have to care about how I look AT ALL.

You can accomplish the same level of Fashion Freedom if you hike or run outdoors in a remote enough area…

I don’t care much about how I look when I’m going to the gym, but if I’m going out in public for any reason, at the very least I don’t want to frighten anyone.  🙂

And that takes some effort…clothes, hair, makeup blah blah blah.   Sometimes it’s just exhausting to have to make myself “presentable”…

And grumpy workouts aren’t any fun!

The Lake Pine Trail is a 2 mile paved loop that circles 50-acre Lake Pine in Apex Community Park, located near the dividing line between the towns of Cary and Apex, North Carolina. Lake Pine is a great trail for running or walking, is smooth and wide enough to use your stroller or baby jogger, too - and is good for all skill levels. The trail runs between the lake and other natural areas, so even though you're in the middle of town, there's a good chance to see wildlife.
The Lake Pine Trail is a 2 mile paved loop that circles 50-acre Lake Pine in Apex Community Park, located near the dividing line between the towns of Cary and Apex, North Carolina. Lake Pine is a great trail for running or walking, is smooth and wide enough to use your stroller, too.

But if you’re feeling anti-social,  short on time, bloated,  or even just grumpy, don’t let it keep you from your workout! 

Find a way to get some exercise anyway, and I guarantee you’ll feel better about everything when you’re done.

You also won’t have the added guilt or feelings of failure from not sticking to your plan.

Okay are we ready for Week 4?  It’s going to be intense.  Here we go!

TAKEAWAY LESSON:  Stick to your workout plan, even if you don’t feel like it.  You’ll feel better physically after you exercise, and you’ll be proud of yourself.

I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂   To see more of them go to my Training Log.

You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.

Thanks for stopping by – see you next time!  LJ

The Road to Awesome So Far….

Most recently updated January 17th, 2022

– – Apparently Fig Newtons are my kryptonite.

This is really surprising because I’ve always thought my weakness was jellybeans.   And cheese.

So, just in case you’re new around here, I’m spending the next 8 weeks training for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.

It’s been more difficult than I thought it would be to go back to my usually pretty Spartan eating habits and disciplined training routine.

Over the past couple of weeks, along with more focused and increased physical training, I’ve also been trying to clean up my diet.

Pile of forbidden fig cookies
Pile of forbidden fig cookies

Specifically, now that the socially condoned  – almost required! – Holiday eating extravagance is behind us, I’m working on getting back to my normal (pretty healthy) eating habits before Super Bowl Sunday.

Because of my asthma, I’ve adopted a “clean” diet ( you can read about my Anti-Asthma Diet here )  that focuses more on protein and veggies, and less on dairy and grains.

I think my increased activity (and the colder weather) has me craving carbs. 

Newtons will always be "fig" to me.
Newtons will always be “fig” to me.

I used to be able to get a package of fig cookies and not touch them for a week, and then only have 3-4 cookies, but now I’m snarfing down a whole sleeve in a single sitting!!

(And, BTW,   this whole “fruit” Newtons thing is just bogus.  It’s fig or nothing, baby!)

At least I’m eating cookies INSTEAD of dinner, not in addition to dinner.

Jellybeans are so small...
Jellybeans are so small…

Clearly, I can’t be trusted, so no more fig cookie dinners for me.

I won’t even bring them in the house.

But perhaps just a few jellybeans…they’re so small, right?

TAKEAWAY LESSON:  Any diet begins in the grocery store!!

I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂   To see more of them go to my Training Log.

You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.

Thanks for stopping by – see you next time!  LJ

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Week 2: Training Gets Real

Most recently updated February 14th, 2020

– – The second week of training started with a great 6 mile hike on the Loblolly trail in Umstead State Park.

Loblolly trail has a little bit of elevation, but it’s generally pretty flat and I still hiked with no extra weight in my pack.

What I did have was some great hikers on the trail with me!  🙂

I know 6 miles with no weight seems kind of wimpy, but I’m still trying to get back to my normal self after a prolonged illness.  

I’ve learned that it’s far better to level up your training slowly than to go too fast and injure yourself.     An injury could cause you to miss your hiking trip altogether.

I’d rather build up strength and endurance slowly and live to hike another day!

(BTW, if you’re new around here, I’m spending the next 8 weeks training for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.)

Speaking of strength training, I also did another outdoor strength-building hike this week, adding an extra 10 lbs to my pack.  This hike was solo.

I hike both solo and with a group – and I’m good either way.    Hiking is an activity that’s good for  introverts and party animals as well 🙂     Whatever gets you moving is your best option!

On the other days I kick-boxed, hiked on my treadmill with a heavy pack, and climbed the stairs to nowhere at the gym again.   I also got out for a long bike ride to cross-train a bit.

Bikers on the Cape Henry Trail
Bikers on the Cape Henry Trail

Cross-training  helps keep me from getting bored, and also keeps me from working the same muscles every day while neglecting others.

This will improve my overall strength and help me avoid injury, too.

So much of my training is more fun outdoors, I try to seize the moment and take it outside whenever the weather is good.

TAKEAWAY LESSON:  The right workout is one that you will do – so be ready to seize the opportunity to make your workouts fun!

I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂   To see more of them go to my Training Log.

You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.

Thanks for stopping by – see you next time!  LJ

Week 1: Training Went Pretty Well

Most recently updated February 14th, 2020

– – I started this Awesome Training on my birthday, with a moderate 6-mile hike around Lake Crabtree,  which was pretty flat and with no extra weight in my pack.

No cake for me...
No cake for me…

And no cake.  In other words just another day for me 🙂

But when you’re training, it’s good to set an official starting place – even if it’s arbitrary. 

And you also need a defined end time and goal – so you know when you’re done!

My other posted weekly hike, a Strength Building Hike,  was another shorter one  – only 5 miles – but I added an extra 10 lbs to my pack.

Not a big deal from a length standpoint, but you’d be surprised how heavy that extra 10 lbs in your pack gets by the time you’re climbing the hill back to the trailhead!

This week, I also kick-boxed a couple of times, hiked on my treadmill with a heavy pack, and climbed the stairs to nowhere at the gym.

Photo from my home gym. Really.

Since I’m still recovering from the respiratory problems I had over the Holidays, I’m starting off pretty slowly.

And I’m also trying to stop eating like it’s still a Holiday!!

Even so, seeing any progress or feeling like some of the workouts are easier will take some time.

Logically, I know it will take longer than a week to see or feel any difference.

BTW, just in case you’re new around here, I’m spending the next 8 weeks training for an awesome hiking trip to New Zealand.

I’m trying to be patient with myself, and avoid looking in mirrors for a while….

TAKEAWAY LESSON:  Patience is required for training, and instant gratification isn’t fast enough!!

I hope you’ve found my Training Log ramblings to be helpful- or at least amusing! 🙂   To see more of them go to my Training Log.

You could also take a look at my 8 Weeks to Awesome Training Plan post, if you want to see what kind of training I’m doing.

Thanks for stopping by – see you next time!  LJ

8 Weeks to Awesome – Hiking Training Plan

Most recently updated February 3rd, 2023

This is the time of year when everyone resolves to somehow change their lives for the better in the coming year.

This past year, my goals were pretty easy to define – at least for the first couple of months.

You see, I’d been battling a really vicious head and chest cold – since late November.

I'll be hiking on New Zealand's North Island - where all the volcanoes are!
I hiked on New Zealand’s North Island – where all the volcanoes are!

Then, that turned into an infection (of lung and sinus type) for a few weeks and that went away but the original cold came back!

This illness plus inclement weather and Holiday shenanigans kept me from doing my usual basic maintenance workouts or scheduling as many hikes as usual.

AND  – here’s where the goals come in –  I’d planned a hiking trip to New Zealand for early Spring.

So, my goal was to be healthy and strong enough to do all the things in New Zealand without any struggle. 

I had about 8 weeks to make that happen.   The good news is I did the training, went to new Zealand and had an awesome time hiking the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

I squeaked back into the US literally hours before they shut down international travel to New Zealand.

Fast forward to now, and we’ve had some version of COVID-19 lockdown in place, limiting our activities, since I got back home in March.

That Man and I had planned a trip to Hawaii – Kauai, to be exact – for April that had to be rescheduled for this coming winter’s Holiday season.

That’s where my training program “8 Weeks to Awesome” – or Auckland, to be specific – comes back into play.

I’ve got to get back on the plan to be ready for the Hawaii trip – assuming we’re allowed to go this time.  (As of this writing, prohibitive quarantines and testing requirements are still in place for out of State visitors…)

If you’re looking for a way to get back into shape before the Holidays – even if you don’t have a big trip coming –  maybe you’d like to do it with me!

Continue reading 8 Weeks to Awesome – Hiking Training Plan

Fitness & Wellness

Most recently updated July 7th, 2023

Below are all of our posts with info and tips to help you get fit, eat a healthy diet, and promote wellness in your life.

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Lose Weight and Get Fit for Epic Hikes – Easy Training Plan

Most recently updated January 16th, 2025

Summer is undeniably coming.    I know this because the days have started getting the tiniest bit longer… 😉

Sadly, many of us emerge from Winter’s shapeless warm layers not as much the “beautiful butterfly” as we would like.

We must lose our Winter insulation!

Each Spring, we feel the need to  improve our weight and fitness before we can flutter confidently in the sunshine.  Or even wear shorts….

(I don’t mean to suggest that anyone needs to be a certain size.  It’s up to each individual and their medical advisors to decide what’s best for them.)

For myself, the main goal is to be fit enough to do any hike I’m interested in without a struggle.

I want to be a beautiful butterfly!

Also, I want to buy clothes when I need something new, not because I’ve outgrown my current size.

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to lose weight hiking and get more fit at the same time!


Why Hiking Is A Great Way to Get In Shape

The great thing about hiking is that pretty much anyone can do it, it doesn’t cost a lot of money, and it gets you outdoors. Continue reading Lose Weight and Get Fit for Epic Hikes – Easy Training Plan

Top 5 Gifts for Hikers – Basic Day Hike Gear

Most recently updated January 16th, 2025

Hikers on the Triple Crown in Virginia.

There are plenty of gifts any hiker or outdoor enthusiast on your list would be happy to get – whether they’re just beginners or experts.   

Gifts for hikers come in all price ranges, too, so you can be sure to find something in your budget.

Basic day hike gear is a gift that any hiker would be thrilled to get, and I’ve included links to some of my top picks. 

FYI, every image in this post – not just the specific recommended items –  is also a link to merchandise.

You’ll also see “Related Products” sections that allow you to browse more if you want to go beyond the items I’ve called out.

So, if you see something you like, click it! 

If you want any of these things for yourself,  you could also send this article to your family.  Just sayin’ 🙂

Continue reading Top 5 Gifts for Hikers – Basic Day Hike Gear