8 Weeks to Awesome (Again) – Hike Training Plan

Most recently updated July 15th, 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

Somehow we’re back again to the time of year when everyone resolves to change their lives (or themselves) for the better.

That also means it’s time to get into my hike training plan “8 Weeks to Awesome” again!

It's time for New Year's Resolutions again! Or, just set some goals .
It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions again! Or, just set some goals .

So, that’s why this year I’m calling it:  “8 Weeks to Awesome (Again)”.

Also, my hiking group and this 8 week hiking plan was recently featured in Cary Magazine, so I guess I gotta keep doing it 😉

Though I don’t really think New Year’s Resolutions work, I do believe you can set a goal and achieve it!

This hike training plan starts with setting your own individual goal – basically, deciding what you’re training for.

One of the fun T-shirts available in the IRW Merch shop.

Your goal may be to increase your ability to:

      • Hike a longer distance, or
      • Hike at a faster speed, or
      • Be better at elevation gain – or even, yes,
      • The dreaded weight-loss goal!

Or, your goal could be to complete an epic Bucket List hike on a planned (or dreamed of!) trip for the coming year.

If you’re looking for a way to get back into shape before Spring – even if you don’t have a big trip coming –  this hike training plan could be just what you need!

Read more to learn how to set up a hike training plan for your own individual goals!

Continue reading 8 Weeks to Awesome (Again) – Hike Training Plan

Hike to the Zombie Tunnels! – Schenck Forest’s Richland Creek Trail

Most recently updated May 4th, 2023

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

The Zombie Tunnel Hike is a route that goes from Umstead State Park, and all the way through Carl Alwin Schenck Memorial Forest – with the help of the Richland Creek Trail.

All tunnels could be zombie tunnels...
All tunnels could be zombie tunnels…

I’ve been leading this hike for years, and people really enjoy it. 

At over 11 miles, it’s a good long hike, but it’s pretty flat, and has a lot of different features – like Zombie tunnels!

Okay, there may not *actually* be any Zombies, but it sure looks like there could be….and one time I did find a mutant fish in there 🙂

According to legend, Brigadoon only appears for one day every 300 years.
According to legend, Brigadoon only appears for one day every 300 years.

I don’t host this hike very often because conditions need to be just right or the route is impassable, and I hate to disappoint anyone.

The other thing about this route is that, depending on recent weather conditions or new construction, parts of the trail have been known to disappear like Brigadoon at sunrise.

So earlier this year, before I posted the hike for others to join me, I decided to take a look and see if the route was still there – and still the same.

Good news!  The route was still there – and still mostly the same.  In fact some parts had actually been improved!  

Now – just in time for Halloween! – I’ll tell you what I found, and how to get there – and maybe you can go try this somewhat spooky trail for yourself…

UPDATE:  There have been some major changes to the Schenck Forest access area over the past few months.   Read on for more updated info.

New construction on the Schenk access road off of Reedy Creek road.
New construction on the Schenck access road off of Reedy Creek road.


Continue reading Hike to the Zombie Tunnels! – Schenck Forest’s Richland Creek Trail

Get Back in Shape with a 6-Week Training Plan

Most recently updated November 27th, 2023

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

It’s time to get back in shape after…..whatever happened to make you feel less than your optimal buff self.   

Maybe you’ve just been really busy, or worn out from your Summer and Fall adventures, or – like me – you’ve been laid low by allergies or seasonal cold and flu?

Or maybe some of you – also like me – can’t remember how to dress yourself to go anywhere if it’s not 100 degrees and 99% humidity outside?  

Author ready for a hike
Author ready for a hike

Well, you’d better get over it pretty quick, because Fall is here, and you know what that means?

Resort travel and Holiday parties.  That’s right, and you won’t be able to hide under that bulky “ugly” sweater for all of them.

Some Resort travel will require swimwear (ack!!) and some gatherings will require the dreaded slinky dress. 

Ugly Christmas Sweater
The Ugly Christmas Sweater isn’t appropriate at the beach…

And then there are all of those relatives and former classmates – perhaps even at the same resorts and gatherings…..

In North Carolina, it’s pretty much always warm enough to get outdoors and exercise – even in the Winter.   

So, now that it’s cooled down enough that spontaneous combustion isn’t a concern,  I’ll start getting serious again 😉


Sign up and get your FREE pdf download of this training!
Sign up and get your FREE pdf download of this training!

Everything that you need to start your 6 week training plan is included in this post. 

But it’s a long read and may be hard to refer to while you’re training.

For your convenience, you can click here to sign up and download your FREE “Get Back in Shape” PDF file.

Then you can print it out and refer to your plan anytime you want. Happy training!  LJ

Honestly though, I never really stopped hiking.

That said,  ever since late May, when I returned from my epic 2-week hiking trip to Greece, I HAVE slacked off on my indoor cross-training – and it shows!

View on Mount Olympus
View on Mount Olympus

I worked my butt off for months prior to that trip, so I’d be able to do the 2-day Mount Olympus hike without hurting myself – and it was great!

But that was a few months ago, and now I could use a quick tune-up before slipping into that slinky party dress.

Keep reading to learn more about how I’m doing a quick tune-up for my  upcoming Holiday trips and gatherings – and how you could, too!

Continue reading Get Back in Shape with a 6-Week Training Plan

Hike and Bike Your Local Greenways

Most recently updated July 7th, 2023

Estimated Reading Time: 24 minutes

We have miles and miles of local greenways available near where I live in North Carolina.

Greenways are a great off-road resource for healthy outdoor family activities like bike rides, hikes and walks.

This is especially important these days, when most State Parks and National Parks have been closed or partially closed since March- and we don’t know when we’ll be allowed to fully use them again.

Empty playground at Pullen Park.
Empty playground at Pullen Park.

At the same time, schools have been closed,  children have already been home for weeks, and they need someplace to play outside!

Fortunately, if you choose to leave your yard for outdoor activities, our greenways locally and across the State have remained open for use.

If you don’t live right next to one or haven’t explored the greenways yet, it can be hard to figure out where to go.

Best Local Greenways

Black Creek Greenway, White Oak Creek Greenway,  and the American Tobacco Trail are some of the longest and most used greenways in the Cary/Apex area.

The greenways also connect through some of the most popular local parks!  

Continue reading Hike and Bike Your Local Greenways

Harness the Health Benefits of Sunshine

Most recently updated January 20th, 2022

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes

The idea that sunshine has health benefits isn’t anything new.

The Earth has been basking in the sun for more than 3 billion years.

And as our planet’s early life forms evolved in the ocean,  they were exposed to  – and adapted to – sunlight.

It makes sense that all lifeforms on our planet, including humans, have evolved to use the power of the sun to their advantage.

Sunshine in Cary Downtown Park
Sunshine in Cary Downtown Park

The sun is vitally important to all life forms on Earth.

But sun exposure has a particularly wide array of health benefits for humans.

We have a long history of using sunlight therapy – called “heliotherapy” today –  that dates back to the ancient Greeks.

Here are some ways you can harness the power of the sun to maintain and even improve  your own health – even if you can’t go outdoors!

Continue reading Harness the Health Benefits of Sunshine

8 Weeks to Awesome – Hiking Training Plan

Most recently updated February 3rd, 2023

This is the time of year when everyone resolves to somehow change their lives for the better in the coming year.

This past year, my goals were pretty easy to define – at least for the first couple of months.

You see, I’d been battling a really vicious head and chest cold – since late November.

I'll be hiking on New Zealand's North Island - where all the volcanoes are!
I hiked on New Zealand’s North Island – where all the volcanoes are!

Then, that turned into an infection (of lung and sinus type) for a few weeks and that went away but the original cold came back!

This illness plus inclement weather and Holiday shenanigans kept me from doing my usual basic maintenance workouts or scheduling as many hikes as usual.

AND  – here’s where the goals come in –  I’d planned a hiking trip to New Zealand for early Spring.

So, my goal was to be healthy and strong enough to do all the things in New Zealand without any struggle. 

I had about 8 weeks to make that happen.   The good news is I did the training, went to new Zealand and had an awesome time hiking the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

I squeaked back into the US literally hours before they shut down international travel to New Zealand.

Fast forward to now, and we’ve had some version of COVID-19 lockdown in place, limiting our activities, since I got back home in March.

That Man and I had planned a trip to Hawaii – Kauai, to be exact – for April that had to be rescheduled for this coming winter’s Holiday season.

That’s where my training program “8 Weeks to Awesome” – or Auckland, to be specific – comes back into play.

I’ve got to get back on the plan to be ready for the Hawaii trip – assuming we’re allowed to go this time.  (As of this writing, prohibitive quarantines and testing requirements are still in place for out of State visitors…)

If you’re looking for a way to get back into shape before the Holidays – even if you don’t have a big trip coming –  maybe you’d like to do it with me!

Continue reading 8 Weeks to Awesome – Hiking Training Plan

The Best Hiking Boots – Choose Your Perfect Fit

Most recently updated January 16th, 2025

As the weather changes with the seasons, you should also update your hiking boots for better performance and comfort.

But how do you know what features the best hiking boots or hiking shoes for the weather and your hike should have?

Of course you should like how they look, and they should feel good when you try them on – but beyond that, what are the most important things to look for?

Meadow Trail at NCMA Park
Meadow Trail at NCMA Park

Some boot features to consider:

        • Are they waterproof? 
        • Do they have cushioned shock-absorbing heels?
        • Do they have grippy soles?

If your feet are wet or painful, you won’t be able to think about anything else – and might not even be able to complete your hike.

What you put on your feet is without a doubt your most important piece of hiking gear, so you’ve got to get it right!

Hiking boots or trail running shoes (not regular road running shoes) are your best hiking footwear options.

Aside from fit, one of the most important things to consider is what kind of trail you’ll be on, and how long you’ll be on it 🙂

Continue reading The Best Hiking Boots – Choose Your Perfect Fit

Hike, Bike or Just Relax at the North Carolina Museum of Art Park

Most recently updated September 17th, 2024

Signpost on the Green trail at the edge of the NCMA park.
Signpost on the Green trail at the edge of the NCMA park.

The North Carolina Museum of Art Park has been a tremendous gift to the whole Raleigh community.

The park’s trails and open lawns, ponds and pools, larger than life outdoor art, plus the amphitheater and outdoor movie screen provide a beautiful open air gathering place for everyone.

NOTE: We were just named a local NCMA expert on ApartmentGuide.   

Read the full article here: Unique Things To Do in Raleigh, NC 

I’ve gotten a lot of good use from the safe – and inexpensive – outdoor activities for kids the Museum Park has made available over the years.

From the time my daughter was in kindergarten through her college years  – and even now as a young adult in the community –  the North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) and the Museum Park events and grounds have been a big part of both of our lives.

Continue reading Hike, Bike or Just Relax at the North Carolina Museum of Art Park

Foot Care for Hikers – From Blisters to Boots

Most recently updated July 7th, 2023

My feet hurt most of the time.

Hiking at the Romero Pools in Arizona

Accumulated damage from years of dance, martial arts, high heels, various athletics and now a couple of decades and  lots of miles of hiking means my feet hurt more often than they don’t.

Add metabolic aging of my feet now that I’m in my 50’s, and it’s a recipe for some VERY painful feet.

But I’ve found ways to alleviate my foot pain and prevent more injury so I can keep doing the active things I love!

How to Care For Your Feet

Footbridge at Pullen Park

As a hiker, you can’t overestimate the value of wearing the best hiking boots you can to have an enjoyable hike and avoid possible injury.

But  there are other things you can do to keep your feet happy beyond simply wearing good boots!

I love to be active outdoors and plan to keep on going for the long haul.  That means investing effort in taking care of my feet and legs as much as I can.

These are some of my  favorite tips to avoid or eliminate foot pain and keep your feet  happy, healthy and ready for any adventure!

NOTE:  Instead of  illustrating this post with images of injured feet, I decided to share pictures of some beautiful things I’ve seen  – while walking around  🙂

Continue reading Foot Care for Hikers – From Blisters to Boots

Run and Hike the Lake Pine Trail – Even if You Have Asthma!

Most recently updated July 7th, 2023

The Lake Pine Trail is a paved loop that circles the lake in Apex Community Park, located near the dividing line between the towns of Cary and Apex, close to Raleigh, North Carolina.

Like nearby Bond Park, Lake Crabtree County Park, and Umstead State Park,  Apex Community Park has the benefit of being in town, plus the appeal of hosting a fairly large recreational lake.

Another nearby park with paved walking trails is the North Carolina Museum of Art Park – but they don’t have a lake, just a pond. 🙂

The Lake Pine Trail Loop

Lake Pine is a great trail for running or walking, is smooth and wide enough to use your stroller or baby jogger, too – and is good for all skill levels.

Apex Community Park entry sign at Laura Duncan Road
Apex Community Park entry sign at Laura Duncan Road

The trail runs between the lake and other natural areas, so there’s a good chance to see wildlife.

I’ve seen deer, otters, loons, cranes, turtles – and fish 🙂

Dogs are also allowed on this trail but must be kept on leash.

The loop is about 2 miles long, and you have the option to venture off the main path to other unpaved nature trails, too. Continue reading Run and Hike the Lake Pine Trail – Even if You Have Asthma!