Myrtle Beach – 5 Days of Walks and Outdoor Fun!

Most recently updated October 15th, 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a favorite Summer family vacation spot!

Located in the center of the 60-mile long stretch of beach known as “The Grand Strand”, it’s one of the major tourist destinations in the entire country, attracting over 20M visitors each year.

Myrtle Beach Spring Break

Spring Break reveler at Myrtle Beach :-)
Spring Break reveler at Myrtle Beach 🙂

Myrtle Beach is also a notorious Spring Break destination, but it’s not what you think!

The Spring Break crowd in Myrtle typically has adult supervision and isn’t the crazy College break scene like you get in Fort Lauderdale.

So Myrtle Beach is a good choice for both adult travelers and families with school-aged children on Easter break. 

Winter at the Beach

I usually go to Myrtle in the off-season, because it’s both less crowded and less expensive then.  

North Myrtle Beach in February.
North Myrtle Beach in February.

And I like the beach in the Winter, because you can walk by the water for miles without suffering heat stroke 😉

That said, more things are open in the Summer season, when more people are around.

Read on to learn about fun activities I’ve found in every season – including the beach – that work for adult travelers and families, too.   

Continue reading Myrtle Beach – 5 Days of Walks and Outdoor Fun!

Hike the Great Channels on Brumley Mountain

Most recently updated October 15th, 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes

The Great Channels are right on the edge of  the areas of North Carolina and Virginia that were hardest hit by Hurricane Helene.

That said, the Park is open (with some restrictions) and many of the surrounding communities are open for business and could really use your Fall vacation dollars to help rebuild!

Go to my Hurricane Helene page to get the latest updates on the latest Park, Trail and road repairs. 

Mists rise from the mountains after a summer rain.
Smoky Mountains get their name from the mist that settles in the valleys.

I finally got to explore the Great Channels on Brumley Mountain, Virginia earlier this Fall after obsessing over it for nearly a year!

On the Navajo Trail in Bryce Canyon, Utah
On the Navajo Trail in Bryce Canyon, Utah

The Great Channels sit at the summit of a mountain, and features a maze of slot canyons similar to those you might find in the parks in Utah or Arizona.   

But the Great Channels formation is a surprise geologic gem hidden in southwest Virginia! 

Anyway, last year, while planning a hiking trip to Grayson Highlands State Park (more on that later),  I stumbled across an article about the Great Channels. 

“Stumbled” is probably not the best word for a hiker to use, but you know what I mean 😉

I made some new friends at Grayson Highlands State Park.
I made some new friends at Grayson Highlands State Park.

The Channels are a series of deep crevices worn into prehistoric sandstone outcrops, where you can walk down into the maze-like network of  crevices and explore.

You can also climb up on top of the Channels to get a stunning 360 view of the surrounding mountains!

Read on to learn how you can hike to the Great Channels, too.

Continue reading Hike the Great Channels on Brumley Mountain

New River Gorge National Park – 5-Day Hike Guide

Most recently updated October 19th, 2022

Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes

New River Gorge National Park and Preserve in West Virginia is our nation’s 63rd – and newest – National Park.

Rock wall along the Rend Trail in the Thurmond area.
Rock wall along the Rend Trail in the Thurmond area.

The park encompasses over 70,000 acres of land along 53 miles of the New River from Bluestone Dam to Hawk’s Nest Lake.

In spite of it’s name, the New River is one of the oldest rivers on Earth, and has carved the deepest and longest river gorge in the Appalachian Mountains – dropping 750 feet over 50 miles!

More than a million people visit the gorge each year to kayak, canoe, and fish in the river or hike, bike, and camp on the land.  

For the past two years, I’ve been one of them!  

Each Summer, my family has a reunion in Indiana over the July 4th holiday. 

One of the smaller Falls and Sandstone Falls in the Park.
One of the smaller Falls at Sandstone Falls in the Park.

It’s a long drive, so on the return trip I’ve stopped at  New River Gorge National Park to break up the drive and check it out.

The first year, I only had a day at the Park, but this time I scheduled 4 whole days!  I was NOT disappointed 🙂

Read on to find out about the hikes I found there, and how you can go, too! Continue reading New River Gorge National Park – 5-Day Hike Guide

Hike Old Rag in Shenandoah National Park

Most recently updated October 15th, 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes

The Shenandoah National Park is right on the edge of  the areas of North Carolina and Virginia that were hardest hit by Hurricane Helene.

That said, the Park is open and many of the surrounding communities are open for business and could really use your Fall vacation dollars to help rebuild!

Go to my Hurricane Helene page to get the latest updates on the latest Park, Trail and road repairs. 

Mists rise from the mountains after a summer rain.
Smoky Mountains get their name from the mist that settles in the valleys.

I made the journey to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia again last Spring, specifically to (finally!) hike the iconic Old Rag summit hike.

Old Rag was my Moby Hike - the one that got away!
Until this year, Old Rag was my Moby Hike – the one that got away!

It was the hike that got away – my Moby Hike!

I’ve had plans to hike Old Rag for the past three years – but each attempt was thwarted by weather or logistics.  

So I went back to try again – and I’m so glad I did! 

It was a perfect-weather weekday in May before all of the families started their Summer vacations, so there were other hikers on the trail, but the place wasn’t over-run.

There’s a long rock scramble to the mountain’s summit that works better with some teamwork – especially if you’re a little bit vertically challenged, like I am 🙂

I conquered Old Rag, then I found a couple of other rock-scrambly hikes in Shenandoah that were a little less daunting to do the next day.

Read on to learn how you can hike Old Rag, and those other hikes too!

Continue reading Hike Old Rag in Shenandoah National Park

8 Weeks to Awesome (Again) – Hike Training Plan

Most recently updated July 15th, 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

Somehow we’re back again to the time of year when everyone resolves to change their lives (or themselves) for the better.

That also means it’s time to get into my hike training plan “8 Weeks to Awesome” again!

It's time for New Year's Resolutions again! Or, just set some goals .
It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions again! Or, just set some goals .

So, that’s why this year I’m calling it:  “8 Weeks to Awesome (Again)”.

Also, my hiking group and this 8 week hiking plan was recently featured in Cary Magazine, so I guess I gotta keep doing it 😉

Though I don’t really think New Year’s Resolutions work, I do believe you can set a goal and achieve it!

This hike training plan starts with setting your own individual goal – basically, deciding what you’re training for.

One of the fun T-shirts available in the IRW Merch shop.

Your goal may be to increase your ability to:

      • Hike a longer distance, or
      • Hike at a faster speed, or
      • Be better at elevation gain – or even, yes,
      • The dreaded weight-loss goal!

Or, your goal could be to complete an epic Bucket List hike on a planned (or dreamed of!) trip for the coming year.

If you’re looking for a way to get back into shape before Spring – even if you don’t have a big trip coming –  this hike training plan could be just what you need!

Read more to learn how to set up a hike training plan for your own individual goals!

Continue reading 8 Weeks to Awesome (Again) – Hike Training Plan

Hike Rose River and Cedar Run in Shenandoah National Park

Most recently updated October 15th, 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes

The Shenandoah National Park is right on the edge of  the areas of North Carolina and Virginia that were hardest hit by Hurricane Helene.

That said, the Park is open and many of the surrounding communities are open for business and could really use your Fall vacation dollars to help rebuild!

Go to my Hurricane Helene page to get the latest updates on the latest Park, Trail and road repairs. 

Mists rise from the mountains after a summer rain.
Smoky Mountains get their name from the mist that settles in the valleys.

I went back to Shenandoah again this Spring, to hike the Rose River Loop, the Cedar Run Circuit and maybe add some more to my list.

It wouldn’t be hard to do, since Shenandoah National Park offers some of the best hiking in Virginia!

I took a break from hiking to explore the Barboursvillle ruins.
I took a break from hiking to explore the Barboursvillle ruins.

I had spent a great week there a couple of years ago, but the trip was over before I had a chance to complete my list of  “must do” hikes – including the Rose River Loop.

And of course the iconic Old Rag hike.

So I had to go back and try again!

Where is Shenandoah National Park?

Shenandoah National Park is only  115 miles from Washington, D.C., 95 miles from Richmond VA, and 250 miles from Raleigh NC.

That’s close enough for a great long weekend or longer family vacation, without the expense of air travel!

My previous Shenandoah visit was for a whole week.  This trip was a quick visit of only 3 nights – which was still enough time to get in a couple of great hikes and see some local sights 🙂

Continue reading Hike Rose River and Cedar Run in Shenandoah National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park – 5 Great Hikes in 4 Great Days

Most recently updated January 16th, 2025

Estimated Reading Time: 35 minutes

The Great Smoky Mountain National Park is right on the edge of  the areas of North Carolina and Tennessee that were hardest hit by Hurricane Helene.

That said, the Park is open and many of the surrounding communities are open for business and could really use your tourist dollars to help rebuild!

Go to my Hurricane Helene page to get the latest updates on the latest Park, Trail and road repairs. 

Mists rise from the mountains after a summer rain.
Smoky Mountains get their name from the mist that settles in the valleys.

For years, I’ve been driving from my home near Raleigh, NC past the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) in Tennessee for work, but never had a chance to stop and explore.

It was very frustrating… 🙁

The Pulpit rock cairn marks the end of the Bullhead Trail.
The Pulpit rock cairn marks the end of the Bullhead Trail.

But finally, last summer, I was able to spend a few days hiking in the GSMNP.

It was everything I hoped it would be!

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) was the most visited national park in 2019, with over 12.5 million visitors.

That’s nearly twice as many tourists as the Grand Canyon had that same year!

The Park covers 522,419 acres in North Carolina and Tennessee, making it one of the largest protected areas in the eastern United States.

It also straddles the ridgeline of the Great Smoky Mountains, part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are a division of the larger Appalachian Mountain chain.

And as if that’s not enough to warrant a visit, the Appalachian Trail also passes through the center of the park on its route from Georgia to Maine.

Hiking on the Appalachian Trail.
Hiking on the Appalachian Trail.

Read on to learn about the park layout, history and the amazing trails that I hiked during my visit… and how you could hike them, too!

Continue reading Great Smoky Mountains National Park – 5 Great Hikes in 4 Great Days

Hike to the Zombie Tunnels! – Schenck Forest’s Richland Creek Trail

Most recently updated May 4th, 2023

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

The Zombie Tunnel Hike is a route that goes from Umstead State Park, and all the way through Carl Alwin Schenck Memorial Forest – with the help of the Richland Creek Trail.

All tunnels could be zombie tunnels...
All tunnels could be zombie tunnels…

I’ve been leading this hike for years, and people really enjoy it. 

At over 11 miles, it’s a good long hike, but it’s pretty flat, and has a lot of different features – like Zombie tunnels!

Okay, there may not *actually* be any Zombies, but it sure looks like there could be….and one time I did find a mutant fish in there 🙂

According to legend, Brigadoon only appears for one day every 300 years.
According to legend, Brigadoon only appears for one day every 300 years.

I don’t host this hike very often because conditions need to be just right or the route is impassable, and I hate to disappoint anyone.

The other thing about this route is that, depending on recent weather conditions or new construction, parts of the trail have been known to disappear like Brigadoon at sunrise.

So earlier this year, before I posted the hike for others to join me, I decided to take a look and see if the route was still there – and still the same.

Good news!  The route was still there – and still mostly the same.  In fact some parts had actually been improved!  

Now – just in time for Halloween! – I’ll tell you what I found, and how to get there – and maybe you can go try this somewhat spooky trail for yourself…

UPDATE:  There have been some major changes to the Schenck Forest access area over the past few months.   Read on for more updated info.

New construction on the Schenk access road off of Reedy Creek road.
New construction on the Schenck access road off of Reedy Creek road.


Continue reading Hike to the Zombie Tunnels! – Schenck Forest’s Richland Creek Trail

Historic Yates Mill County Park – Hike and Learn

Most recently updated January 18th, 2022

Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes

Historic Yates Mill County Park is not on my usual round of go-to parks.

View of Yates Mill from the rocks.
View of Yates Mill from the rocks.

This is mainly because it’s a longer drive for me than either Umstead State Park or Bond Park, both of those parks have longer trails –  and these days I’m usually looking more for a place to have a serious hike than to entertain kids.

Raven Rock State Park is another great place to take younger kids, but it’s an hours drive away….

But a couple of weeks ago, I had an hour to spend and didn’t want to get too sweaty.

So I dropped by Historic Yates Mill County Park to take an active break.

I’d visited Yates Mill once before, in the winter, but this visit I got to see what it was like in the summertime.

I wasn’t disappointed.

There’s a pond, a few shorter  – mostly shady – flat hiking trails, and fishing (with a permit).

Plus, it’s got a historic working water-driven grist mill.  So there’s that 🙂

Based on what I found, if you’ve got grade school or younger kids, or even Middle-schoolers who (unlike mine) DON’T refer to hikes as “forced marches”, Historic Yates Mill County Park could be a wonderful hang-out for your family!

Continue reading Historic Yates Mill County Park – Hike and Learn

Get Back in Shape with a 6-Week Training Plan

Most recently updated November 27th, 2023

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

It’s time to get back in shape after…..whatever happened to make you feel less than your optimal buff self.   

Maybe you’ve just been really busy, or worn out from your Summer and Fall adventures, or – like me – you’ve been laid low by allergies or seasonal cold and flu?

Or maybe some of you – also like me – can’t remember how to dress yourself to go anywhere if it’s not 100 degrees and 99% humidity outside?  

Author ready for a hike
Author ready for a hike

Well, you’d better get over it pretty quick, because Fall is here, and you know what that means?

Resort travel and Holiday parties.  That’s right, and you won’t be able to hide under that bulky “ugly” sweater for all of them.

Some Resort travel will require swimwear (ack!!) and some gatherings will require the dreaded slinky dress. 

Ugly Christmas Sweater
The Ugly Christmas Sweater isn’t appropriate at the beach…

And then there are all of those relatives and former classmates – perhaps even at the same resorts and gatherings…..

In North Carolina, it’s pretty much always warm enough to get outdoors and exercise – even in the Winter.   

So, now that it’s cooled down enough that spontaneous combustion isn’t a concern,  I’ll start getting serious again 😉


Sign up and get your FREE pdf download of this training!
Sign up and get your FREE pdf download of this training!

Everything that you need to start your 6 week training plan is included in this post. 

But it’s a long read and may be hard to refer to while you’re training.

For your convenience, you can click here to sign up and download your FREE “Get Back in Shape” PDF file.

Then you can print it out and refer to your plan anytime you want. Happy training!  LJ

Honestly though, I never really stopped hiking.

That said,  ever since late May, when I returned from my epic 2-week hiking trip to Greece, I HAVE slacked off on my indoor cross-training – and it shows!

View on Mount Olympus
View on Mount Olympus

I worked my butt off for months prior to that trip, so I’d be able to do the 2-day Mount Olympus hike without hurting myself – and it was great!

But that was a few months ago, and now I could use a quick tune-up before slipping into that slinky party dress.

Keep reading to learn more about how I’m doing a quick tune-up for my  upcoming Holiday trips and gatherings – and how you could, too!

Continue reading Get Back in Shape with a 6-Week Training Plan